
The Time is Now: Ban Leaded Aviation Fuel Without Further Delay

Tue Sep 03 2024

Environmental campaigners are raising concerns about lead pollution from aviation and the slow progress in adopting unleaded alternatives.

Lead exposure, especially dangerous to children, causes neurological damage and other health issues.

Despite evidence, the U.S. remains the world's largest leaded fuel polluter, with 70% of airborne lead from general aviation aircraft.

The FAA introduced the EAGLE initiative in 2022 to eliminate leaded aviation fuel. In 2022, G100UL, an unleaded fuel, was approved for use in all piston-engine aircraft.

However, distribution is blocked due to conflicts of interest, as many within the EAGLE initiative profit from selling leaded fuel.

Despite significant investment in developing unleaded alternatives, progress has stalled, with industry resistance hindering the widespread adoption of cleaner fuels. While G100UL is a step forward, it still contains harmful chemicals, and broader aviation-related pollution remains a major issue for environmental and public health.

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